A bit about me
I am a Danish-based digital designer working at the intersection of digital product design and visual identity. I have over 20 years of experience helping companies channel ideas and concepts into digital experiences.
Hire me to do digital design tasks, preferably the most difficult and complex ones where my brain works overtime.
Want to discuss your next project? I'm all ears! Call me at +45 28 199 123 or send me an email.
Other engagements
Komply  -  Co-founder
I'm the co-founder of Komply - a board management platform.  
Read the case story, or stop by komply.cloud to learn more.
Meevo  -  Co-founder
I'm the co-founder of Meevo - a digital platform that makes meetings easier and more efficient, especially regarding polls. 
Not yet in production.
Pitchguard  -  Co-founder
I'm the co-founder of Pitchguard - a digital platform that takes being in the know about potential business partnerships to a whole new level.
Not yet in production.
SimpleUX  -  Co-founder
I'm the co-founder of SimpleUX - an on-the-fly UX testing tool for authentic customer insights and data-informed design decisions.  
Read the case story, or stop by simpleux.io to learn more.
​​​​​​​White Hat UX  -  Co-author
I am immensely proud of my first book about the next generation of user experience. I wrote it in excellent cooperation with Martin Michael Frederiksen and Trine Falbe
Read the case story, or go right ahead and get your copy at the Smashing Magazine bookstore.​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​The Ethical Design Handbook  -  Co-author
My second book. Even prouder. It’s about making ethical decisions to influence positive change and help businesses grow sustainably. Once again, it was a joint effort by the great team of Martin Michael Frederiksen and Trine Falbe
What I do
I craft user interfaces (UI) - from early wireframes through prototypes to finalised designs. Through a strong focus on user experience (UX), I strive to achieve the perfect fit between the beautiful and the functional.
Apps - touch- or desktop-based
I design engaging app experiences for all your touch-based devices - or desktop-based apps if that is your preferred platform.
Interfaces that convert, convey the story, and bring your brand to life.
Visual Identity
Putting your best face forward usually involves elements like logos, typography, colour palettes, photography, iconography, illustration, motion, and more.
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