My very first book. White Hat UX - The Next Generation in User Experience.
Most things in life have a dark side. For years, the online space has acted as a playground for thieves, bandits, and murky types who will use every trick in the book to make you do the opposite of what you set out to do.
But there is hope. The next generation in user experience is coming.
Small websites are not the only ones tempted by dark forces. Many of the world’s largest brands use dark patterns - some do so because of ignorance, while others lack the courage to admit their wrongdoings.
White Hat UX focuses on creating unique user experiences without a dark side.
Leave the dark side and read the book. It is full of dark patterns and inspiration to free yourself from the dark forces and join the next generation in user experience - White Hat UX - you'll sleep better at night knowing you're doing the right thing.
Done in proud cooperation with Trine Falbe and Martin Michael Frederiksen.
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